Connect Your Website with Facebook Fanpage

Now a day Facebook has become a great source of increasing traffic of your blog. That's why most of the blogger open a facebook fanpage to drag users from facebook. But, the fact is, most of us don’t know the procedure of how to connect this fanpage with his/her website. Today I am going to tell you about this.

Connecting website with facebook fanpage means whenever a blogger publish a new post in his/her blog, the post will automatically publish in the wall of that facebook fanpage. This can be done with a simple facebook application called “RSS Graffiti”. Just follow these steps to connect your website with facebook fanpage:

1.Go to your fanpage and click on the “Edit info” button.
2. Then click on the “Your Settings” option. (Click on the images for a large view)

3.Tick mark on the “Posting Preferences” option (If there is no tick mark) and then click on the “Save Changes” Button.
4.Now go to this link: RSS Graffiti and Like this page.
5.Click on the “Go to App” button.
6.Click on “Click HERE to authorize RSS Graffiti” button.
7.Click “Allow” and authorize your profile.
8.Now on the left side of the screen you will see the name of all the facebook fanpage you administer.

9.Click on the fanpage button you want to connect with your website.
10. Click on “Click to authorize button”.
11. Click on “Allow” and authorize your fanpage.
10. Click on “+Add feed”

11. Now insert the URL of your site on the following options: “Feed URL” & “Source URL”.
12.Insert the name of your site on the “Source Name” option.

13. Click on the “Schedule button” and determine your update frequency (How many times RSS should visit your site)
14. Click on the save button.

All Done! Now your fanpage is connected with your website and Your fanpage will be updated automatically via RSS Graffitti.

Happy Blogging!!!


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