Some Easiest ways of Earning Money Online (Part: 1)

Everyone in this world wants to earn money. That's why, from today I am going to tell you about some easiest ways of Earning Money online. One of the easiest methods of earning money online is “Referring A Website”. In this method, all you have to do is refer a website to your friends or others by inserting a referral link in your blogs, forums or social networks. And when people clicks on that link and opens an account in that particular website they will pay you money :D. There are many websites in the internet of such a kind. Alertpay is one of them. According to me, it is one of the best and reliable websites for money making.  Each time you refer someone to AlertPay, you could earn up to $10.00 USD. The more people you bring to AlertPay, the more they will reward you. The question...

Easy way to Make Money Online

Make Money Online : An unique book written by John Chow where will find lots of tips and tricks to earn money through your blog easily. Download it for free. Just click he...

Download 31 Days to Build a Better Blog free

Download 31 Days to Build a Better Blog written by Darren Rowse free. It is an Unique ebook to build a better blog. Try it now. Just Click he...

Methods for passing oDesk Readiness Test Easily

Freelancing has become a passion of today’s generation because this is, perhaps, the easiest way of earning money. But, building career in freelancing is not a easy task. That’s why, from now on, I will try to post regularly regarding freelancing. Today’s post is regarding passing the oDesk readiness test.  After registering at oDesk as a freelance contractor he/she has the access of only 2 bid opportunity in a month. But when you pass the Readiness Test your bid opportunity will increase up to 10 to 20 times. In my personal experience I saw that, many people attended the test for several times but they could not pass. Then I told them...

Download Sabrena Tonny font

Sabrena Tonny font is the typical font for textbook publishing. It has been developed by the National Curriculum and Text Book Board, Dhaka. That font is based on certain modification of shapes of characters. To download  Sabrenatonny font  free click he...

Connect Your Website with Facebook Fanpage

Now a day Facebook has become a great source of increasing traffic of your blog. That's why most of the blogger open a facebook fanpage to drag users from facebook. But, the fact is, most of us don’t know the procedure of how to connect this fanpage with his/her website. Today I am going to tell you about this. Connecting website with facebook fanpage means whenever a blogger publish a new post in his/her blog, the post will automatically publish in the wall of that facebook fanpage. This can be done with a simple facebook application called “RSS Graffiti”. Just follow these steps to connect your website with facebook fanpage: 1.Go to your fanpage...

Popular Wordpress Tutorials: Part 3

In the first part I gave you the link of some tutorials related to Wordpress Basics, Plugins and The Backends and In the second part I gave you the link of some tutorials related to Wordpress Theme. Today, I am going to give you some other useful tutorial related to wordpress. - Embedding WordPress into OS CommerceOS Commerce is a popular open source ecommerce shopping script that many web developers use to sell goods. Here’s a tutorial on how to embed a WordPress blog into an OS Commerce installation. - Creating An Automatic SitemapSitemaps help users navigate the site, as well as allow search engines to have quick access to all of your blog’s pages. Here’s a tutorial on how to create an automatic sitemap for your WordPress installation. - Build a Dynamic...

Popular Wordpress Tutorials: Part 2

In the first part I gave you the link of some tutorials related to Wordpress Basics, Plugins and The Backends. In this part I will give you the link of some tutorials related to Wordpress Theme. Theme Tutorials - How to Create a WordPress Theme from ScratchNettuts+ author Sam Parkinson gives a thorough overview of how to make your own custom theme from scratch, complete with source code. - So You Want to Create WordPress Themes, Huh?A lengthy and thorough series of tutorials covering nearly every aspect of WordPress theme development. A must-read for beginners. - WordPress for Designers: Video SeriesDrew Douglass will teach us, using easy to understand screencasts, exactly how to design for WordPress. - WordPress Theme HacksA collection of simple WordPress hacks that...